Friday, April 13, 2012

Unforgettable lunch on a Saturday trip

Hi all,

Coming up for a day trip on the 21st. Would like to go for a great lunch ( not one that costs $300 though). Nowhere that it would take 3 hours to eat, since we only have the day. Any suggestions???

Unforgettable lunch on a Saturday trip


Unforgettable lunch on a Saturday trip

Sat. lunches are tricky since some places in midtown don%26#39;t serve lunch on Sat., other places do brunch. Do you care what neighborhood or type of food? That would certainly help narrow the options.


Don%26#39;t care what neighborhood, as long as it wouldn%26#39;t take up the whole day. Pretty boring meat and potatoes gals, no seafood. Awesome desserts pretty much a must. I read a lot about Tao (understand what type of food it is)....are they any good? How about the Cafeteria at Hudson Hotel?

Some of the theatre district restaurants would be open and wouldn%26#39;t take 3 hours, because they would assume you were going on to a 2 p.m. matinee and would get you out in an hour or an hour and a half, assuming you arrived by 12-12.30.

Off the top of my head, a couple places that come to mind include Osteria al Doge, Pierre au Tunnel, Chez Josphine, Joe Allen, Sardi%26#39;s.. A place that I went to recently and liked was Kalleri Taverna, a modern Greek bistro place on 44th between 5th and 6th.

I%26#39;d go to Balthazar in Soho or Pastis in meatpacking for a meat and potatoes gal. Both are trendy/fun and have good steak frites plus other things. Artisanal is another idea not far from Penn station if you%26#39;re taking the train.

I%26#39;m not a TAO fan and they no longer have their parfait that was so popular I gather.

If dessert is more important, check out Payard Bistro on the upper east side.

Picholine on the upper west side near Lincoln Center. The $35.00 prix fix is absolutely delicious! Moms

Thanks everyone...will take a gander at all of these.

Sorry, I didn%26#39;t realize Pierre au Tunnel had closed, so you can cross that one off your list.

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