Monday, April 16, 2012

Trip Report-Birthday trip for our 16 year old (long)

Arrival Friday March 23, 2007

It took an entire day of travel to arrive at JFK. My husband went on points so flew from Winnipeg via Saskatoon and Calgary. For those of you not familiar with Canadian geography, New York is southeast of Winnipeg but Calgary is directly west. The flat rate cab driver from JFK remarked that we sure got our monies worth as our hotel in the South Seaport neighbourhood was about as far away from JFK as you could get. Soon after check in my brother- in- law met us bringing a bottle of bubbly. We had a visit and toast on our terrace room at the Seaport Inn with views of the Brooklyn Bridge. Then off for a walk around the neighbourhood and a delicious dinner at Carmine’s. Featuring both Italian dishes and fresh fish, we had the best of both worlds. Carmine’s had very authentic décor and service.

Saturday March 24

My husband was up early to walk around on his own and came across what turned out to be a movie set for the Bourne Identity III. He would have been content to stand round all day and be considered one of the “extras”. He got some neat pictures of the car scene that they were setting up for the afternoon when the star of the movie-Matt Damon would be there. Later we got a trusty subway map and met up with our bro in Time Square and B had her first of many walk arounds. We then took, what seemed to me to be, a pretty long hike to the Circle Tours dock for our half loop tour of Manhattan. Although it had seemed nice and mild on the walk, it was chilly on the water with the wind. It was a very pleasant way to see the Statue of Liberty though as the last tour we had taken meant enduring a very time-consuming bag search so we could disembark and walk around the island where there is really nothing to see. We learned why there are skyscrapers uptown and downtown but not in midtown. Saw Ground Zero from the water and enjoyed seeing the location of our hotel from another perspective.

Headed back uptown and hung out at Rockefeller Plaza and had a late lunch at Grand Central Station. There’s food from every corner of the earth in that building! We were pooped so we caught a cab back to the hotel to freshen up for the evening. The movie making was still going on and my husband and daughter were lucky enough to see Matt in the lobby of our hotel.

In the evening we were invited to a private studio apartment for the party of a diplomat returning home to Europe after his placement with the United Nations. Suffice it to say, it was a fabulous party with interesting guests in a beautiful setting, enjoying terrific food and big apple martinis. We were supposed to stop in at another party but were having so much fun that we lingered at the first. Then off to our Bro’s favourite restaurant-Pastis where he managed to get us a 10:30 dinner reservation. The place was hopping and the din of the diners was almost a negative. We loved the calamari, seared scallops and moule %26amp; frites. Food presentation was beautiful and the service was great. Wouldn’t have wanted to see the bill though. We were grateful that our Bro was treating.

Sunday March 25.

We had to switch accommodations on this day so we slept in, got organized and took a cab to the East Village where we stayed in a short term residence. Walked to Union Square which was my brother-in-laws former neighbourhood and met them at a wonderful place for lunch. It might have been called the Union Square Grill. It was very busy and had an upstairs dining area. Had wonderful omelettes but once again I was glad we were being treated when the bill came around. Walked from Union Square up to Washington Square and then Soho with stops for B to shop. The place she like the best was Forever 21 where she pretty much blew the proverbial wad. Home once again to freshen up before venturing out for dinner. This time to a little Mexican restaurant within walking distance that had many dining accolades. We enjoyed the shrimp and chicken although I can’t recall now how it was done. We managed to save room for their featured desserts and they were also great (without remembering details).

Monday March 26

By this time we had established our daily routine of fetching breakfast from the most amazing little place called Essa Bagels. A friend of B’s from Winnipeg had actually recommended it not know where we were staying. One of those wild coincidences-it was at the end of our street! The flat side of the bagel was literally crusted with seeds and onion and garlic and in between that and the round top was the most delicious bread. One am B could not even finish eating her’s, they were so big. Hubbie, daughter and Brother- in- law left me for a leisurely morning while they went to the Museum of Natural History. It was a beautiful morning so I spent my time in the little back garden behind our room and then took the subway to meet them at Central Park. Brother-in-law had a plane to catch so we had a quick but enjoyable lunch in one of those cool express cafes across from FAO Schwartz. I could even request dolmades on my salad so I was well pleased.

In the evening we found another great place in the neighbourhood called Bao Noodle where we share a variety of appetizer rolls and then Hubbie %26amp; B had soup and I had Pork and Noodles. We then headed to an evening tour of the Empire State Building. Even though there were very few people in line when we got there, the wait was really long but worth it when we got up top. Once again the wind was surprisingly chilly way up there.

Tuesday March 27

We left B sleeping and caught an early cab to Time Square as we had studio audience tickets for Good Morning America. We should have stayed in bed too! Monday the guest was Hilary Clinton and Wednesday it was Jennifer Lopez but on our day-some guy who invented a Ferris wheel to store your shoes! We stood in line from 6-7 am and then the audience stands for the show’s two hour duration. Worth it I guess to see a major celeb but we felt ripped off.

Back home to rouse the teenager and then off to Serendipity for dessert instead of lunch. Quaint place that was once again hopping busy. Then off to Central Park to enjoy the beautiful spring time weather by lying around in the sun. Found a wonderful food store called Gracefully on First Ave. where we bought our supper to eat in. The deli sandwiches and salads were delicious and we were very impressed with their selection of kettle chips as we are chip fanatics.

That night B and I saw Rent together. We had seen it before (in fact B knew every word to every song) but we really enjoyed the experience of seeing about life in the East Village when we were staying in the East Village. We had great third row seats but had to endure the occasional shower of spit. Hubbie wandered around Time Square on his own to meet up with us after the play let out, so that we would not have to do the subway on our own. What a considerate man I married.

Wednesday March 28

Today was the day we had to fit in everything that we had not managed previously so we headed back uptown. Had NY cheesecake at a deli, chocolate fondue at Dillon’s and hot dogs at Bryant Park. Bryant Park is one of our favourite NY spots. We lingered with many at the provided tables and chairs and enjoyed the spring sun with others taking their lunch breaks outside. We are very impressed by how well provided for, New Yorkers are. There is always a bench to sit on and beautiful flowers to gaze at in the numerous parks around the city.

That night we had our last NY dinner, once again in the neighbourhood, at a wonderful place called Vinny Vincenz’s. Small and authentic, we felt like true New Yorkers dining on stuffed eggplant for a starter and then linguine and clams and fettuccine carbonara. Oh my-amazing food but the smell of garlic on us must not have been pleasant for others we encountered that evening. Hubbie and B were off to see Wicked while I got us organized for the trip home. We were so glad that we had saved this for the last night as both Hubbie %26amp; B were blown away by the play. The set, music, performances, story and special effects made for a “once-in-lifetime” evening they said. They did not want their time to end so lingered in Times Square at Toys R Us and the M%26amp;M Store.

Thursday March 29

Up very early (four hour sleep for my Broadway buddies) to catch our plane home. New York is a fabulous way to celebrate a birthday with your teenager.

Trip Report-Birthday trip for our 16 year old (long)

Sounds so fun! I am taking an almost 16-year-old to NYC in July, so I loved reading about the things you did. We are seeing Wicked also, and I have a feeling she will totally be blown away by it!

Trip Report-Birthday trip for our 16 year old (long)

Wow, sounds like a great time, glad everything worked out for you.

You lucky gal - not only a considerate husband, but also a generous brother-in-law!

Yes, being familiar with CDN geography, I had a good laugh about your itinerary! Surprised they didn%26#39;t send you through Vancouver as well!

I feel the same way about Bryant Park!

Thanks for all the great info; sounds like a wonderful trip.

Kind regards,


Wonderful report. I%26#39;m a bit flummoxed by what dolmades are and I really wonder what they told you about skyscrapers in midtown. There are HUNDREDS of skyscrapers in midtown and most of us work/have worked in them. If the Chrysler building and the Empire State are not skyscrapers in midtown, I%26#39;m lost.

I%26#39;ve very anxious to hear about your ';short term residence.'; How was it and how did you find it? Did you like the Seaport hotel? What made you pick that?

Whiz, I think she means the midtown area around 34th St. Except for the ESB, there aren%26#39;t a whole lot of skyscrapers. I remember reading about how the ESB was built to anchor 34th St. as a business hub, but then they couldn%26#39;t even fill the building. There was even a joke about it in an old musical they just did at Encores last week.

Manitoban, you really crammed a lot into a short trip. I agree, great husband and generous brother-in-law!

The swanky party sounds like it was a blast, too.

Matt Damon.... not bad!

Thanks for a good TR,glad you enjoyed yourselves and the bagels.

  • vc
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