Sunday, April 22, 2012

My upcoming trip looking to be a wet one

I decided to check out 15 day weather forecast, since I%26#39;ll be coming to NY April 17th (for only 2 days).

According to the forecast, will be nice, until my arrival and nice again the day I leave. The 17th: Windy and cold with rain and the 18th: Cold with periods of rain mixing with snow

We really haven%26#39;t made plans for bad weather, but it sure will change things (I guess no TOTR, or Staten Island ferry and not much walking around)

Please be wrong Accuweather! I%26#39;m depressed now :( I remember a past vacation to Hilton Head, where it rained almost the entire week. I believe it was some type of record rainfall

My upcoming trip looking to be a wet one

On the bright side, photos always seem to come out better on rainy days.

Just bring waterproof shoes, an umbrella, and carry on with it. I%26#39;ve had plenty of rainy, sleety, hail-pounded holidays (mostly in Scotland and Ireland).

My upcoming trip looking to be a wet one

I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll still have a great time. Just going to have to make some slight changes :) Maybe do more indoor sites that we otherwise wouldn%26#39;t have had time for

That%26#39;s the spirit! Have a positive attitude, adjust your plans to fit the weather, and be determined that nothing will ruin your trip (unless you let it).

I just returned from 28 degree weather in Chicago for the last 3 days. It was freezing with the wind, and we were out in it a lot, walking from shop to shop. We wanted to do the zoo, but scrapped that and took in a museum instead. We enjoyed it just as much as we would have the zoo, and now we can go back and see the zoo another time.

Weather forecasts that are 10 and 11 days in advance can very well change and your case maybe to the better. You%26#39;ll have a good time.

You can do just about everything you would have done even if it does rain. And as mentioned already, 10 days out the chances of the forecast being accurate is pretty slim.

I was in Europe in February and it rained for the first 4 days. I still walked and saw the sights I wanted to see. No amount of moisture was going to ruin my trip!

FlameOut, a lot can happen, weather-wise, in ten days. I wouldn%26#39;t worry too much. Just like Pittsburgh, mid-April in New York can be very hard to predict. If it does rain, just have an umbrella and waterproof shoes on hand, and you%26#39;ll be fine.

I always take an umbrella with me when I go on vacation. Heck--I even brought one with me when I was in Arizona last week though it hardly ever rains there! You%26#39;ll be fine. Consider bringing an inexpensive rain poncho, too, just in case.

I agree, alot can change when looking at a long range forecast. On they are predicting Mostly Cloudy 51掳 and only a 20% chance of rain on the 17th. Thats not so bad.

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