Monday, April 16, 2012

world yacht cruise - what to wear?

Hi, my boyfriend and I are coming to New York from Scotland in a couple of week. We have booked to go on the world yacht cruise but are unsure of what we should wear. My boyfriend was going to wear trousers and shirt but saw that it states a jacket is required. Is this the case or are they flexible with this? Also, I was going to wear a dress that i have but it is quite short and i don%26#39;t want to wear it if it is going to be inappropriate (it comes to half way between the top of my leg and my knee). Could anyone that has been on the cruise advise me as to what is appropriate for both myself and my boyfriend. Thank you

world yacht cruise - what to wear?

Perhaps your best bet is to contact the cruise operator for the ';OFFICIAL'; interpretation of their dress code/policy.

Usually %26#39;jacket required%26#39; means just that!

As for the short short skirt - use your own discretion.

Remember you will be on a boat, if that%26#39;s of any consequence.


world yacht cruise - what to wear?

Its important you ask the cruise TA what is required in order for you to be comfortable with what you are wearing

My H and i have just got back from our trip today - we went on the world yacht on sat night.

The dress code does say a jacket for men - my huuby took one just for this particular evening but no-one checked he had it on. he took it off as soon as he sat down. But i think its wise to take a jacket for him, he can always remove it as soon as he sits down - it would be terrible if you go there with no jacket and were refused to board.

I noticed a real mix of ages and attire on the boat - some ladies were really over the top, wearing furs and diamonds and long gowns, others were wearing smple trousers and ';party'; tops. Your dress would be fine im sure, i saw some short skirts and some long skirts, just so long as its smart and no jeans etc.

Word of warning though - it was freezing!!

And i mean really F-r-e-e-z-i-n-g! we had snow and icy winds...the works. So you might want to think about that when choosing what to wear. Its a bit of a walk from the ticket booth to the boat so you will need a proper coat, not just a wrap or a flimsey jacket, and then if you want to go up on deck to get a proper look at the view or take photos and then again at the end you have to come out onto the deck and down the gangway and then that short walk again to get a taxi.

On the subject of taxis, there was a collection of ';taxi'; drivers (non yellow so not sure if the were legit or not) they were charging $65 for a ride which a yellow would have charged $ we bypassed those and crossed the street and hailed a yellow cab instead.

Make sure you take your credit card with you - the one you used to make the booking with becasue they ask you for it before giving you your boarding passes.

We%26#39;ve been wondering why they need your credit card and once we got the bar bill we realised why - drinks are quite expensive and i suppose they want to make sure you have the means to pay a big bar bill. the waiting staff are very attentive on board, almost too much, i felt a bit badgered at times to buy extras like bottles of spring water, cocktails and on board photos. they are quite clever in the way they ';sell'; these extras, for example, on arrival there are 2 bottles of water on the table, one still and one sparkling and the waiter asked us ';can i pour you some water?'; .... we said ';yes please'; .... he poured it and then charged us $10 on the bill for the bottle of water. We would have preffered to have been offered the opportuity to choose to buy the water rather than be tricked into buying it...if you see what i mean.

I dont think they make it clear on the website that your meal begins beofre you set sail. We presumed that we would arrive at 5.30, sail at 6pm and then be served our meal.

In actual fact we were served pretty much as soon as we arrived - we had an entree put infront of us on arrival and then after that the meal proceeded, so by the time we set sail at 7pm we were just beginning our main course.

I hope im not downing the trip, we had a brilliant time, it was one of the highlights in fact, we had a wonderful meal and took some beautiful photos but we did come away feeling a teeny bit swindled into spending money on things on-board that we didnt really want.

oh one other thing - check your bill carefully at the end. We were charged for things we didnt have and when we asked the manager about the discrepancies he backed down quickly, apologied and said it was a new bar-man and then took the over charged items off our bill. Things like putting a bottle of wine through twice instead of once, that sort of thing.

On coming back from the ladies i noticed at least 6 other parties querying their bills too so check yours carefully at the end.

Can I just check, this isn%26#39;t the Spirit City Cruise you are referring to is it?


Gosh that sounds terrible. We have heard the Bateaux NY cruise is very good. Spirit which runs Bateaux NY is NOT the same as World Yacht.

A few points-

%26gt;it%26#39;s not uncommon to be asked about bottled water (still or sparkling) in a restaurant. NYC tap water is great and very drinkable. Whenever I get asked I always say tap water is fine.

%26gt;always double check a restaurant bill. Accidents (and non-accidents) happen all the time.

Finally, on the clothing, it should be warmer in a couple of weeks, but it is a good point that even so, it can be cool in the evening, especially on or near the water.

Thanks too everyone 4 all that information I have booked the sunday lunch cruise. I was wondering why we needed to board an hour earlier than departure. I see weather is bitter cold today in NYC so by all accounts it seems winter woolies will be needed.

Thank you so much for all your help. My dad is an accountant so I am well trained on checking the bill at the end of the meal. It%26#39;s amazing how many times extra things are added on.

One last thing...regarding the advise that we should arrive arly to get the best seats, what time would people recommend? It says we board at 6 then sail at 7 so should we arrive earlier than 6 or will 6 be early enough?

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