Friday, March 30, 2012

would my BF survive Lips !!!!!!!!!

Just need to know would my man still love me if I took him to Lips 4 dinner. It has great reviews and I would love to go but not if it would be a disaster 4 him...... Any guys out there who went and lived to tell the tale..... x x x x

would my BF survive Lips !!!!!!!!!

OK, I%26#39;m not in your desired market research cateogry, but if you ';drag'; him there, and he becomes a drama queen and wants ';out';, he has some nearby options where he can hang out while you enjoy the show (...or vice versa):

Fiddlesticks (a pub on Greenwich Ave.)

good (That%26#39;s the name of the restaurant. Teeny-tiny bar area, but the bartenders serve up killer drinks.)

A Salt and Battery (also on Greenwich Ave. It%26#39;s an English-style fish-n-chips place that%26#39;s cozy.)

Note: Greenwich Avenue and Greenwich Street are two different roads. Lips is on Greenwich Avenue.

A five minute walk:

White Horse Tavern (walk down Bank Street to Hudson Street.)

Cowgirl - the bar behind Cowgirl Hall of Fame restaurant. Also on Hudson Street.

would my BF survive Lips !!!!!!!!!

we stopped by for a quick drink as our girffriend has an obsession with drags (we really dont but at times they can be entertaining)

if anyone has a negative belief of new york people being rude, snooty, etc. a trip to this place would be a cure all for them. all of the staff is extremely friendly and very very outgoing. looking around at the place, all of the patrons were having a great time and there was alot of interaction with the servers (actually performers). and another thing i noticed, my %26#39;gaydar%26#39; informed me that all of the patrons were indeed straight, mostly couples...that said, he%26#39;ll be in his own company!! LOL

one small note of warning, i noticed even during out short stay there that straight men are sort of ';given special attention'; but all in good fun. i have noticed this in other bars/clubs of this type. just remember to laugh WITH them and not AT them and it will all be good.

take Queensblvd%26#39;s advice and maybe offer to go to a ';manly'; place (or if it becomes overkill, allow him ot wonder off to the places noted) after the dinner as he may need a bit of ';normal life'; after this show. this of course is said in good humor.

Thanks 4 your replies I will show him your replies and see if they help ......

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