Friday, March 30, 2012

Jet lagged trip report!

Hi everyone, will start by saying we (11 of us, ages 10 -63) had a fantastic time int NY, just home after 5nts. Not sure how this will work out, might have to come back a few times.

Firstly, all your sound advice on here made our trip work out but also left a big ';to return list';!!! Wasn%26#39;t it cold, glad I had on layers, only problem then was I was too hot in the shops and had to take off and carry.

Hotel - Embassy Suites, Lower Manhatten. Excellent, we all loved it, see separate report.

Found the 9/11 exhibition in the WTC, very informative, great for the kids. Passed Ground Zero at least twice a day, very moving and surreal. Visited St. Pauls again just adds to the disbelief. Staying in that area, Century 21 was like a cross between Primark and TKMax on a very bad day, didn%26#39;t buy anything!

Subway - was fab, really enjoyed using it. 7 day metro card a bargain. TIP - you can only buy 2 per credit card, obviously a safety measure for stolen cards. Only 1 booboo, taking bags back to the hotel didn%26#39;t realise the yellow line splits and we ended up in Brooklyn, leaving a very cold group waiting in Central Park oops!!

Central Park- didn%26#39;t appreciate the size, saw a small corner, next time......!

TOTR - got there before 9am think it was on Fri, so got up to the top in no time. It was fantastic, loved it, probably my favourite if I had to pick. Always wondered where those awesome photos of the men where taken!!

ESB - did it on Sun nt, pretty horrendous wait almost 2hrs to get up. It was a magical sight but tired and cold so probably didn%26#39;t appreciate as we should. Asked twice if I%26#39;d put the unwanted photo back!!!

SOL - slight booboo here too, planned to do the Staten Island trip but in the Ellis Island queue, hubby getting tickets before I realised. But it was for the better really enjoyed our hot choc on liberty island, up close then came straight back didn%26#39;t get off at Ellis.

Grand Central - ended up there because Bloomingdales was shut on Easter Sun. Beautiful place, worth a visit. Juniors cheesecake was ok but I don%26#39;t have that a sweet tooth.

Times Sq - sad but we loved it even ate in TGI, definate tourists this trip. Son loves his photos with the naked cowboy and 2 NYPD police bikers all so friendly. We were still there 11pm in MM store our last night.

That leaves shopping, what can I say - back without the kids next time, they got plenty. Didn%26#39;t do too bad tho, Tiffanys, Swatch, Levi%26#39;s, Skechers, Bobbi Brown makeover and more!!! Hated Macy%26#39;s couldn%26#39;t see a thing. We had what would have a been lovely lunch but it was freezing to keep the ';flowers alive';!! Agree they were stunning but none in the restaurant. Love my keyring anyway!! We liked seaport near our hotel, quiet when we went (early again before it opened at 10!) A%26amp;F great store, some staff a bit iffy!

Eating out - we did nothing special but all we had was superb from the starbucks (how many are there?) to the ribs!! Meal in chinatown was so cheap and tasty.

What else can I say - 99% of New Yorkers were so kind and helpful, 1 very rude man on the subway stairs, he was going the right way no one else!!

Mm up there with TOTR isthe Harlem Gospel Choir Easter Sunday Brunch, borught tears to my eyes and I like to think that what the lady was saying was genuine about her past life experiences. We had a fab time wish it had been longer although they must be exhausted. The buffet was nothing fancy, plenty of it.

Anyway back to that return list.............

All tired now need to be going to get some food shopping but kind don%26#39;t want to!!

Thanks to you all again from all the non TA users they said I did good!!!!!!!!

Jet lagged trip report!

Sounds like you all had fun. Thanks for sharing,

Jet lagged trip report!

Great report. Must%26#39;ve missed you saying you were going to see the Harlem Gospel Choir. I felt the same as you, fantastic.

What about the photos of men at TOTR?

And as for the compulsory photo at ESB - we walked out with ours. It was of someone else but really didn%26#39;t want it anyway!

What%26#39;s on your to-do list?

And I bet you scored brownie points for your research. I%26#39;m pleased you got some recognition!

Your one unhappy experience on the subway should remind us all:

There is NO ';yellow'; line!! There is NO ';red line';!! There is no ';blue line';!! The colors only refer to the streets under which the various NAMED lines (N, R, Q, W; 1, 2, 3; A, C, E) travel in midtown. ALL of the trains that have the same color at some point divide, and outside of midtown they DO NOT necessarily follow the same route, or go to the same place, just because they have the same color.

Hi Ange,

The photo of the men when it was being built, i find that photo freaky and amazing, all sitting on the metal beam, miles high! We flew Continental should have said out, going was pretty bad, cooked meal at 10.30 neither lunch time in UK or USA, they were in a real rush. Coming back last night was fine, full flight but passed quickly. films Happy Feet going out, Casino Royale home. Do you visit family?

GWB - the ';Yellow'; line adventure was fine,it was just there were 9 others waiting for us to get back uptown and we were going to be late. I had my sis inlaws phone but couldn%26#39;t work it!!!

Thanks for sharing a wonderful time in NYC,Glad you enjoyed yourselves.

What a fab, breathless report! You definitely have to come back and spend more time.

Late spring, early summer, or fall are all great times for exploring Central Park.

Thanks for sharing your time with us. I love reading trip reports - long or short, rambling or pointed.

Glad that you all had a wonderful time and only got lost once!

There is always a TD list after leaving New York - that%26#39;s what keeps us going back:-)

Helen in Aus


What a great report, loved that there were so many of you, what an experience!!!

Question : what is the address of the M%26amp;M store, as my 9 year old must go there, or so she says!!!!

mrs dj

HI, you can%26#39;t miss M%26amp;M store its in Times Square, huge advertising. 2 floors, be warned, have fun!!

Thanks kdy1, my nine nearly ten year old is at me daily about it, she saw something on a travel show. thanks mrs dj

  • smokey eye
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