Friday, April 13, 2012

Taxi after a broadway show?


I will be staying at the Hampton Inn--Madison Square Gardens.

is it safe to walk back at night from Broadway? I will be seeing The Phantom of the Opera.

Also, about how far away is the hotel to the Majestic?

Taxi after a broadway show?

Yes--it%26#39;s safe to walk back to your hotel after the show. The theater and the hotel are about 13 blocks apart.

Taxi after a broadway show?

You%26#39;ll be back in your hotel before you%26#39;d find a cab! Even if you walk really really slowly...

Perfectly safe-but if you want a cab,go to a hotel and tip the doorman to get one for you-otherwise,it can be very difficult at that time of night in the area.

Skip the taxi -- the 13 blocks are quite short and safe and you%26#39;ll enjoy the walk, it really is part of the NY experience. You can walk it in 15 minutes though the crowds may slow you down.

Although 8th Ave is perfectly safe you will enjoy it more if you avoid it below 42nd street as 8th becomes a bit tawdry. I%26#39;d take 7th down or even Broadway.

youll see alot of people walking 7th ave back to that area after night shows as alot of us go that way to catch trains back to NJ at Penn Station. You should be fine walking. I walk it back as a single female after night shows alot. Just stay near groups of people if you feel unsafe. I never walk 8th as the above poster gets a lil ';interesting'; once you pass Port Authority at 42nd.

We saw Legally Blonde on Saturday night (great show, by the way!) and we didn%26#39;t want to take the subway home since it was a little chilly and I was a bit sniffly.

Taxis on Broadway are hell to get, we walked a block eastwards and easily hailed one down.

Walking is your best bet. If you need a cab, they swarm the theaters at show close but are hard to tag. I usually stay on the Upper East Side and mosey over to 5th or Madison to get a cab if the weather precludes walking.

Thanks everyone for the great advice!

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