Monday, April 16, 2012

Camera shops

You can tell its nearly time for our flight by the number of questions I%26#39;m asking....

Next Q..where can I pick up a good camera at reasonable prices around midtown or even down town

and someone mentioned a Nike shop for trainers... any ideas where this is ..anywhere better than this for picking up trainers.

Camera shops

Search for B%26amp; Photo and Video. It%26#39;s the largest shop in New York City, near Penn Station / Macys.

Camera shops

I think the previous poster meant B %26amp; H, which is at the corner of 34th Street and Ninth Avenue.

For sneakers (try not to call them ';trainers';, as the term would confuse most New Yorkers) you can also check out Footlocker and Modell%26#39;s, both of which have any number of branches around town.

besides B and H there is a very nice camera store called Adorama on 18th st between 5th and 6th ave%26#39;s. Both of these stores have very competitive prices. i would lean towards one of these if you are thinking about an SLR.

Circuit City, there is one on Union Square, Best Buy on 23rd and 6th or J and R downtown on Broadway near Ground Zero . These are three other stores that are reliable with competitive prices. If you are looking for a point and shoot one of these will do.

For the trainers you were asking about, there is NikeTown on 57th just east of 5th Ave. Or Paragon, This is a huge sporting goods store on 18th and Broadway. They have a huge selection of Sneakers.

Hi Sasharoon,

We%26#39;re coming to NY in May and as I%26#39;ve been thinking about buying a digital SLR for a while now I thought I might take the plunge this trip. I%26#39;ve been to J%26amp;R before but not B%26amp;H. Would you rate one over the other or are they pretty much the same? Price is pretty much the same as far as I can check on the web but I was thinking more in terms of expertise/service etc.

Thanks in advance.

J and R is perfectly fine. However it has never been my favorite store. I used to buy my electronics there before Circuit City and Best Buy opened. I find those stores to be more plesant.

however, B and H and Adorama are better bets for and SLR. This is what these two stores specialize in. I bought a Canon Rebel from Adorama last year. I really knew nothing going in, and I found them to be extremely helpful. Both Adorama and B and H sell so many cameras that they are able to offer very competitive prices. I had looked in Both Circuit City and J and R before buying my camera. The level of service and information I received in Adorama was far superior.

I%26#39;ve been a customer of B%26amp;H for over 20 years.

When I was in the ';business'; - I specialized in wedding photography - and needed a piece of equipment, if I called early enough in the day and it was in stock, it was delivered the next day.

B%26amp;H still has my vote for service and knowledge.

As an old film photographer and one not willing to change, much, I purchased a Nikon D50 (digital SLR) last year - best price around -

what a joy not to have to worry about changing film, plus all my Nikon lenses fit the D50 - I love this camera!!

So, you can see my allegiance is to B%26amp;H - their %26#39;superstore%26#39; is quite the place, even if you don%26#39;t end up buying from them it%26#39;s worth a visit.


Hi Sasharoon(and good morning!)and thanks for coming back so quickly.

I hadn%26#39;t previously heard of Adorama but had planned to try B%26amp;H this time as I thought maybe J%26amp;R would be less of a specialist for SLR. I bought some storage cards there last trip and was served by a very helpful chap but I got the impression, rigtly or wrongly, that it is more of a general consumer electronics store. Thanks for the tip.

Hi Poppa. Sorry for the separate post but I was replying to Sasharoon when you wrote(God that sounds like ugly English but I%26#39;m rushed).

Thanks for the reco. I was meaning to get to B%26amp;H last trip but there%26#39;s only so much you can get to(and get away with) in 3 days without feeling you%26#39;re monopolising the trip.

I%26#39;ve been looking at the Nikon but will probably go for the Sony Alpha as I have KM lenses already. But who knows, I%26#39;ve always fancied getting into NIkon/Canon - just to see what all the fuss is about but that%26#39;s kind of off topic here.

Thanks again.


You%26#39;re welcome,

Between B and H or Adorama you can%26#39;t go wrong.

My suggestion would be to go to which ever one you are going to be nearest to.

I would tend to agree with you about J and R. I%26#39;ve found very helpful people there, but not always. The information and knowledge you will get in a store like B and H or Adorama is far superior.

I live around the corner from Adorama and spend a lot of time there (I even have my own ';guy'; Ely), and at B%26amp;H... Their prices are pretty comparable (you can compare online too).

Adorama is smaller/less of a zoo, but B%26amp;H is better if you want to touch things like tripods, cases, accessories. The cameras are behind the counter at both and you have to be helped with them - but at B%26amp;H almost everything else is out, where as at Adorama you have to ask the salesperson to get the tripod/case, etc from the back...

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